Pre-enlistment for the Second Semester AY 2021-2022

In view of the disruption brought about by Typhoon Odette, please take note of the change in schedules for Undergraduate Pre-enlistment and Registration.

(pending approval by the UP President of the requested adjustment to the Second Semester Academic Calendar)

Please be guided accordingly.

AY 2021-2022 Second Semester/Trimester

    • 2021 December 13-17 – Pre-enlistment for M Education
    • 2022 January 4-14 – Registration Period for M Education
    • 2022 January 14 – Last Day of Change of Matriculation
    • 2022 January 31 to February 5 – Pre-enlistment for Continuing Undergraduate students
      Date Student Numbers starting with
      2022 January 31, Monday 2018- or earlier
      2022 February 1, Tuesday (Holiday) Chinese New Year
      2022 February 2, Wednesday 2021-
      2022 February 3, Thursday 2020-
      2022 February 4, Friday 2019-
      2022 February 5, Saturday ALL
    • 2022 February 14-18 – REGISTRATION Period for Undergraduate, MS Computer Science, MS Environmental Studies
    • 2022 February 28 – Last Day of Change of Matriculation

Pre-enlistment for the First Semester AY 2021-2022

Please take note of the following schedules for Pre-enlistment and Registration.

Please be guided accordingly.

AY 2021-2022 First Semester/Trimester
    • 2021 July 26-27 – Pre-enlistment for M Business Administration
    • 2021 August 2-5 – Registration Period for M Business Administration
    • 2021 August 23-27 – Pre-enlistment for M Education
    • 2021 September 6-10 – Registration Period for M Education
    • 2021 July 26-30 – Pre-enlistment for Continuing Undergraduate Students
      Date Student Numbers starting with
      2021 July 26, Monday 2020-
      2021 July 27, Tuesday 2019-
      2021 July 28, Wednesday 2018-
      2021 July 29, Thursday 2016- or earlier
      2021 July 30, Friday ALL
    • 2021 August 23-27 – Advance Registration for First Years, Undergraduate
    • 2021 September 6-10 – Registration Period for Undergraduate, MS Computer Science, MS Environmental Studies

Enrollment period extended

The Chancellor has approved the extension of enrollment for the First Semester AY 2020-2021 and M.Ed. First Trimester AY 2020-2021 until Friday next week, September 18.

Change Matriculation Period

OVPAA Memorandum No. 2020-97
From the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

This is to inform you of the following rules affected by remote learning in the First Semester AY 2020-2021:

  1. To enable students to add course after the period of registration, change of matriculation will be allowed from 10 – 14 September 2020. Students are strongly encouraged to have a final schedule on the start of classes, 10 September 2020, due to the logistics of remote learning.
  2. For coupled courses, such as those having lecture and laboratory component in one course, grades may be deferred if one of the components is going to be delivered in the Second Semester AY 2020-2021.

For your guidance please.
Thank you.

Suspended Academic Rules and Processes in the First Semester AY 2020-2021


As per Memorandum No. OVPAA 2020-92, dated 2020 August 20, please take note of the following academic rules and processes that have been suspended:

  1. There will be no change of matriculation in the First Semester AY 2020-2021 due to the logistics of remote learning.
  2. The deadline for dropping and filing of leave of absence is suspended.
  3. A 12-unit course load will be considered a regular load.
  4. Off-hour rates for teaching are suspended.
  5. The First Semester AY 2020-2021 will not be counted towards MRR.
    (Note: Because it is the first time for students to do remote learning and they will still calibrate the course load that they can manage, especially for graduate students who are working from home and for other students who have a workload outside of their school work)
Clarification on #3.
Students may take on a course load of more than 12 units. But should a student opt to have a 12-unit load, then their laude honor prospects will not be affected.
i.e. UP Code Art. 414. “Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have taken during each semester not less than fifteen units of credit or the normal load prescribed in the curriculum…”
(The 15-unit requirement is now lowered to 12 for the First Semester AY 2020-2021 only.)

UP Cebu Enrollment Workflow for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 (Undergraduate Students)

This will be the Flow of Enrollment for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020, for all Undergraduate Students.
Please be guided accordingly.

January 3, Friday Deadline for Removal of INC/4.0 incurred First Sem AY 2018-2019
January 6, Monday Enrollment for those with student numbers starting with 2019;
Deadline of appeals for readmission/ extension of residence
January 7, Tuesday Enrollment for those with student numbers starting with 2018
January 8, Wednesday Enrollment for those with student numbers starting with 2016 or earlier
January 9, Thursday to January 10, Friday Enrollment for all students
January 9, Thursday to January 17, Friday Change Matriculation Period
January 13, Monday Start of Classes for Second Semester AY 2019-2020

*Graduate students may enroll at any time within the week.

Confirm your UP admission offer online by April 14

For all UPCAT 2019 takers:

Please go to the UPCAT main website to view your application status. Carefully read the instructions on how to view your application results.
If you received an offer for admission, you are required to reply starting April 7 until April 14, 2019.
Replies to the offer after the deadline will no longer be considered.