Second Semester AY 2019-2020 Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQs are anchored on the following documents*:

  • BOR resolution on the UP System Policy on the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 in the time of COVID-19, approved by the Board of Regents during its special meeting on 2020 April 16;
  • Implementing Guidelines (IG) on the UP System Policy on the Second Semester AY 2019-2020, signed by UP President Danilo L. Concepcion, released on 2020 April 23;
  • Memorandum No. OSU 2020-01-03 re: “Implementing Guidelines of the “UP System Policy on the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 in the Time of COVID-19” which was approved by the Board of Regents during its special meeting held on 16 April 2020”, dated 2020 April 23;
  • Memorandum No. OVPAA 2020-48 re: Proposed UP System Policy on the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 and the Mid-year in the time of COVID-19, dated 2020 April 14;
  • Memorandum No. OVPAA 2020-31 re: Academic Contingency Plan in the light of COVID-19, dated 2020 March 9;
  • FAQs prepared by UP Diliman;
  • UP Cebu Adjusted Academic Calendar/Timeline, endorsed by the Chancellor’s Advisory Council, and approved by the President on 2020 May 13; and
  • Revised University Code (1961), approved by the Board of Regents during its 682nd Meeting, 1961 January 9.

These FAQs were prepared in order to clarify some of the issues concerning how the university intends to move forward with the current academic year in general, and the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 in particular.
Other concerns not found in this list may still be awaiting resolution at the System level, such as Q2.10 below.
* Some of the answers were directly lifted from the BOR resolution and its
Implementing Guidelines, as indicated in the parenthetical notations.

The general principle to be followed is maximum consideration,
flexibility, and compassion in any academic decisions that are made this semester.

1. Classes, Adjusted Requirements, and Deadlines

Q 1.1: What will happen to classes in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020?

A: The last day of class for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 is 2020 April 30. Activities held after this date shall be for the purpose of enabling students to complete adjusted course requirements. (IG 3.1)

UP suspended face-to-face classes and remote teaching and learning using alternative modes of delivery from 2020 March 17 up to the end of the ECQ in Luzon and other parts of the country on 2020 April 30. (IG Page 1).

There will be no more face-to-face classes after 2020 April 30. The University shall endeavor to adopt alternative modes of instruction, requirements and assessment methods that are consistent with its mandate as the National University committed to honor and excellence and that equally take the extreme conditions confronting our students and faculty into account. (BOR Policy #6)

Q 1.2: If the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) is lifted, do we go back to face-to-face classes?

A: No. There will be no more face-to-face classes after 2020 April 30 (BOR Policy #6), and for the rest of AY 2019-2020.

Q 1.3: What does “adjusted course requirements” mean?

A: “Adjusted course requirements” refers to adjusted delivery and assessment of courses, as determined by the faculty, due to the disruption of the regular semestral schedule – ECQ, limited access to the internet among many students (and faculty in some cases), and the uncertainty regarding when classes can resume given the continuing threat of contagion, among others. (IG Definitions)

Departments/Faculty shall ensure that the course requirements take into consideration the crisis conditions under which the students are required to comply with the requirements. (BOR Policy #1.a.iv)

Q 1.4: When will students know the adjusted course requirements of their enrolled courses?

A: Given the shortened semester, faculty members are enjoined to inform their students of adjusted course requirements. (IG 4.1)

Departments/Faculty shall prepare the necessary adjusted course requirements which shall allow them to make an assessment of academic performance if they have not done so yet and communicate the same in a timely manner to their students. (BOR Policy #1.a.iii)

In UP Cebu, the deadline for the dissemination of Adjusted Course Requirements by the Faculty to the Students is on 2020 May 15, Friday.
The adjusted course requirements are also to be submitted to the Deans. (Chancellor’s Advisory Council Meeting on 2020 April 24)

Q 1.5: Do these activities after 2020 April 30 include online classes?

A: Online classes are discouraged but may be conducted for the limited purpose of levelling of expectations, clarifications, overall guidance and summation. Synchronous online meetings shall not impact grading and, to the extent possible, be recorded and disseminated for the benefit of all concerned students. (IG 4.3)

Q 1.6: Can the faculty give an examination as part of the adjusted course requirements?

A: Adjusted course requirements may take the form of an examination. (IG 4.2)
But a sit-down proctored final examination is no longer feasible. As the COVID-19 threat persists, when students will be allowed to return to school is uncertain. (IG 4.2.1)

Online exams are an option but careful thought must be given to the platform to be used, the students’ internet connection, and their psychological preparedness to take the exam online, among other considerations. (IG

Alternative forms of summative assessment (e.g. reflection paper or critical analysis) may be considered in lieu of exams. (IG

The schedule of examinations shall be set by the respective units based on the CU deadline for earlier completion of adjusted course requirements. (IG

Q 1.7: What is synchronous teaching and learning?

A: This is teaching and learning where faculty and students interact in real time. It includes webinars, live broadcasts, chats, and teleconferences (using applications such as Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, among others). These allow for immediate feedback, and facilitate the flow of information and collaboration. (IG Definitions)

Q 1.8: What is asynchronous teaching and learning?

A: This is teaching and learning where faculty and students interact but not in real time. It includes providing offline content resources (readings, lecture notes, recorded lectures, detailed guides, etc., in print or digital format) and using other modes of communication (phone call, SMS, and instant messaging) to monitor students and provide feedback. (IG Definitions)

Q 1.9: What is remote teaching and learning?

A: This is teaching and learning where the faculty and students are physically/ geographically separated and which uses alternative modes of delivery covering the entire spectrum of synchronous and asynchronous communication, from text-based (basic email, FB messenger, Viber group, etc.) to online meetings (via UVLe, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Meet, etc.). (IG Definitions)

Q 1.10: How will students complete their courses with laboratory, field, and related components? How will laboratory, studio, PE, NSTP, and other similar courses be taught using remote learning?

A: Within the general framework and rationale of the BOR resolution, completion of laboratory, studio, PE, NSTP, and other similar courses shall be determined by the units offering the courses. Offering units are free to redesign the course and explore alternative ways and options to facilitate the completion of these courses remotely. (IG 4.4)

Q 1.11: Are there any arrangements made for students who are required to complete required hours for internship, practicum, on-the-job training (OJT), or fieldwork, especially for those who need to complete this requirement for board exam purposes?

A: Offering units are free to redesign the course and explore alternative ways and options to facilitate offering of these courses. Some units may explore reducing or lessening the number of hours required without sacrificing the minimum competencies needed to be attained in their offered courses. Some may contact their partner institutions to explore giving students the option to work-from-home. (UPD FAQs)

Q 1.12: When is the Deadline for the compliance of the adjusted course requirements?

A: Students have up to 2021 May 31 to complete the course requirements, upon compliance with which the students shall be given a numeric grade. Should they be unable to do so, students shall be considered dropped, and will have to re-enroll the course in the succeeding semester. (BOR Policy #1.a.v)

The end dates indicated in the approved academic calendar—such as for the submission of grades and University Council meetings for graduating students—will be revised by the CUs for the approval of the UP President. (IG 3.2)

While UP is ending the semester for all students, graduating students as well as those meeting personal timetables—e.g., students who need to graduate in a succeeding semester to begin earning for their families, those applying for graduate admissions, those on scholarships, etc. may opt to complete the requirements of the semester following the adjusted syllabus and the deadlines set by his or her Constituent University. (BOR Policy #1.a.ix)

For UP Cebu as follows:

For students enrolled in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020
Deadline** of Faculty for Submission of Grades Term
2020 June 30, Tuesday complied Second Semester AY 2019-2020
2020 September 4, Friday complied Midyear Term 2020
2021 January 26, Tuesday complied First Semester AY 2020-2021
2021 May 31, Monday complied Second Semester AY 2020-2021

**Note that these are deadlines for the faculty to submit grades. Deadline for students to comply with these requirements would therefore be earlier than these dates so that their instructors will be able to submit their grades on or before these deadlines.

See related concern for graduating students, here.

Q 1.13: Will there still be a Midyear Term 2020?

A: Midyear 2020 will proceed depending on the CU but only courses indicated in students’ approved curricula that are required during the Midyear will be offered. (IG 3.3)

In UP Cebu, there will be no Midyear Term 2020.
Most of the midyear offerings are for practicum classes for third year students. There are no third year students in UP Cebu due to the K-12 adjustment. (Executive Committee Meeting on 2020 April 6)

Q 1.14: Do we now have an adjusted academic calendar for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020?

A: Yes, you may view the adjusted UP Cebu academic calendar here. It was endorsed by the Chancellor’s Advisory Council,  pending approval of the President. The adjusted academic calendar also includes the calendars for the trimestral graduate degree programs.

Q 1.15: What if only one student in a class wants to continue and complete the adjusted course requirements within this Second Semester? Should the faculty accommodate the student?

A: Yes, the faculty should accommodate the student opting to continue and finish this semester or any other semester on or before 2021 May 31.

Q 1.16: Can the faculty require the students to complete the adjusted course requirements within the Second Semester AY 2019-2020?

A: No, students are given until 2021 May 31 to complete the requirements. As a guide, the deadline for the submission of grades is found in Q1.12 above.

Q 1.17: What if the faculty are unable to perform their academic function due to the COVID-19 crisis?

A: When faculty members are unable to perform their academic function due to the COVID- 19 crisis, their respective units, out of duty and compassion for the faculty members concerned and their students, shall ensure that those who comply with the adjusted requirements of the course are given a grade. (IG 4.5)

2. Grading Scheme, Honors

Q 2.1: If the last day of classes is on 2020 April 30, does it mean students will be given a grade starting 2020 May 01?

A: No. Students have up to 2021 May 31 to meet the adjusted course requirements. (IG 7.1)

Q 2.2: What if students cannot comply with or complete the adjusted course requirements this Second Semester 2019-2020?

A: Where there is no sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester, grades shall be deferred. Students have up to 2021 May 31 to complete the adjusted course requirements. (IG 6.1.3)

Q 2.3: What does “deferred grade” mean?

A: It means non-submission or withholding of a grade until the adjusted course requirements are complied with. (IG Definitions)

This means that the grade for enrolled courses in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 will be “DFR” (Deferred) in SAIS, until the adjusted course requirements are complied with or until 2021 May 31.

Q 2.4: What will happen if the adjusted course requirements are not complied with by 2021 May 31?

A: Students who are unable to comply with the requirements for whatever reason, whose status is failing or whose performance is unsatisfactory, will be given a DRP (Drop) mark for the course. The students may re-enroll the same course or equivalent subject in succeeding semesters. (IG

Q 2.5: What will happen if, upon completion of the adjusted requirements by 2021 May 31, the faculty finds students’ completion unsatisfactory or worthy of a failing grade?

A: Students who are unable to comply with the requirements for whatever reason, whose status is failing or whose performance is unsatisfactory, will be given a DRP (Drop) mark for the course. The students may re-enroll the same course or equivalent subject in succeeding semesters. (IG

No student shall be given a grade of 4.0, 5.0 or INC for courses in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020. (IG 6.1.4)

Q 2.6: Can students drop their enrolled courses instead of opting to complete them until 2021 May 31?

A: Students may elect to drop at any time and re-enroll their courses or, when appropriate, re-enroll in alternative elective courses or equivalent courses in accordance with the curriculum of the concerned unit, in succeeding semesters. (IG

Q 2.7: In summary, what are the options available for students for this Second Semester AY 2019-2020, and what are its implications in terms of grades?

A: Students have up to 2021 May 31 to complete the course requirements, upon compliance with which the students shall be given a numeric grade. Should they be unable to do so, students shall be considered dropped, and will have to re-enroll the course in the succeeding semester. (BOR Policy #1.a.v)

Cases/Options Grade a
Faculty has sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester and opts not to give additional adjusted course requirements.
Student’s status is passing. (IG
Numeric b
Faculty has sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester and opts not to give additional adjusted course requirements.
Student’s status is failing or incomplete. (IG
Student communicates with the Instructor and asks for adjusted course requirements to improve her/his grade on or before 2021 May 31.
Deferred c
Faculty has no sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester and gives adjusted course requirements.
Student satisfactorily complies with the adjusted course requirements on or before the 2021 May 31 deadline. (IG
Numeric b
Faculty has no sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester and gives adjusted course requirements.
Student is unable to comply with the requirements for whatever reason, status is failing or performance is unsatisfactory by the 2021 May 31 deadline. (IG
Student may elect to drop at any time and re-enroll their courses or, when appropriate, re-enroll in alternative elective courses or equivalent courses in accordance with the curriculum of the concerned unit, in succeeding semesters. (IG
The deadline for dropping of subjects for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 is lifted. (IG 5.1.1)
Students, by not submitting themselves to provision 6.1.2 or 6.1.3 for the giving of grades nor electing to drop, may choose not to pursue in any way their enrolled courses for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020.
They shall inform their University Registrar through their Dean in writing of this choice at any time before 2021 May 31. The students shall be deemed dropped as of 2021 May 31 and allowed to re-enroll their courses or equivalent courses in the succeeding semesters. Meanwhile, they shall remain without grades. (IG
Deferred c
Student never attended class or incurred 6 or more excused absences prior to class suspension. (UP Code Art. 346) DRP d
Student never attended class or incurred 6 or more unexcused absences prior to class suspension. (UP Code Art. 346)
No student shall be given a grade of 4.0, 5.0 or INC for courses in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020. (IG 6.1.4) Thus, students who incurred 6 or more unexcused absences prior to class suspension will be
given a DRP mark for the course (instead of a 5.0 per University rule).
Student may choose to file for Leave of Absence (LOA). (UP Code Art. 401)
The deadline for filing Leave of Absence for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 is lifted. (IG 5.1.2)
usual LOA rules apply

a Faculty may apply for an exemption from the numeric grading system and seek authority to give P (Pass) as a grade with the option of the faculty to give numeric grades to particular students where their circumstances so require. (IG 6.1.6)
b Numeric grades will be 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, or 3.0. (UP Code Art. 369)  No student shall be given a grade of 4.0, 5.0 or INC for courses in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020. (IG 6.1.4)
c See meaning of “Deferred grade” in Q 2.3 above.
d A grade of DRP means the student has to re-enroll the course in the succeeding semesters. Furthermore, a DRP given for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 shall be annotated in the Transcript of Records with an asterisk (due to COVID-19). (IG 6.1.5)

Q 2.8: Will the faculty have an option to give a non-numeric grade like “Pass”?

A: Any unit may, for justifiable reasons, file applications on behalf of its faculty members for exemption from the provisions of the UP System Policy imposing only a numeric grading system for all courses enrolled in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020. (IG

Any such application for exemption shall be limited to seeking authority to give P (Pass) as a grade with the option of the faculty to give numeric grades to particular students where their circumstances so require. (IG

Applications shall be filed on or before 2020 May 15 through the Chancellors of the CU’s involved, who will then endorse the same to the President through the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs for the eventual consideration of the BOR. (IG

Q 2.9: When is the earliest date a faculty can submit grades?

A: Once the President approves the adjusted academic calendar, the Grade Roster module in SAIS will be opened no later than two weeks prior to the Deadline for Submission of Grades.

Q 2.10: Will the computation of a student’s GWA (General Weighted Average) be different for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020? How will this affect students who are vying for honors?

A: The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs will be calling for a meeting to discuss this concern and its possible resolution. Updates will be posted here when available.

3. Graduating Students

Q 3.1: What if students are graduating this Second Semester AY 2019-2020 but could not comply with the adjusted course requirements?

A: Where there is no sufficient basis for giving students a grade as of the end of the semester, grades shall be deferred. Students have up to 31 May 2021 to complete the adjusted course requirements. (IG 6.1.3)

Graduating students completing the requirements after the deadline set by the CU shall be endorsed to the BOR for graduation when it meets to approve the candidates for graduation of the semester the student completes the requirements in. However, upon approval of the Board of Regents, the student shall be deemed graduated as of the Second Semester 2019-2020. (BOR Policy #4)

The end dates indicated in the approved academic calendar—such as for the submission of grades and University Council meetings for graduating students—will be revised by the CUs for the approval of the UP President. (IG 3.2)

While UP is ending the semester for all students, graduating students as well as those meeting personal timetables—e.g., students who need to graduate in a succeeding semester to begin earning for their families, those applying for graduate admissions, those on scholarships, etc. may opt to complete the requirements of the semester following the adjusted syllabus and the deadlines set by his or her Constituent University. (BOR Policy #1.a.ix)
For UP Cebu as follows:

For graduating students enrolled in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020
Deadline** of Faculty for Submission of Grades Term
2020 June 30, Tuesday complied Second Semester AY 2019-2020
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2020 University Council Meeting on 2020 July 15
2020 September 4, Friday complied Midyear Term 2020
*to be endorsed for graduation in the First Semester AY 2020-2021 University Council Meeting on 2020 September 16
2021 January 26, Tuesday complied First Semester AY 2020-2021
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Second Semester AY 2020-2021 University Council Meeting on 2021 March 3 
2021 May 31, Monday complied Second Semester AY 2020-2021
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2021 University Council Meeting on 2021 June 9

*ALL considered graduated as of end of Second Semester AY 2019-2020.

**Note that these are deadlines for the faculty to submit grades. Deadline for students to comply with these requirements would therefore be earlier than these dates so that their instructors will be able to submit their grades on or before these deadlines.

Q 3.2: When will be the Commencement Exercises for 2020?

A: Graduation ceremonies are postponed to a more auspicious time. (IG 8.2)

4. Graduate Students (M Business Administration, M Education, MS Computer Science, MS Environmental Studies)

Q 4.1: Do units handling graduate programs need to follow the same guidelines as for undergraduate programs?

A: Graduate programs are strongly encouraged to adopt or conform with the general framework, rationale and guidelines on the conduct of academic exercises, as contained in the BOR Resolution. (IG 4.6)
Units offering or handing graduate programs may opt to adopt the policies in this section. (IG 4.6.1)
In light of the COVID-19 situation, the BOR policy on prohibiting face-to-face activities also applies to graduate programs. (IG 4.6.2)

In UP Cebu, the Deans of the three colleges offering graduate degree programs have decided to follow and adopt the grading system and guidelines for undergraduate students as specified in the Implementing Guidelines. (Chancellor’s Advisory Council Meeting on 2020 April 24)

There will be no more face-to-face classes after 30 April 2020. The University shall endeavor to adopt alternative modes of instruction, requirements and assessment methods that are consistent with its mandate as the National University committed to honor and excellence and that equally take the extreme conditions confronting our students and faculty into account. (BOR Policy #6)

Q 4.2: What academic calendar and deadlines will the trimestral graduate programs follow?

A: The Adjusted Academic Calendar for the Trimestral Graduate Degree Programs, for both graduating and non-graduating students, are linked here.

While UP is ending the semester for all students, graduating students as well as those meeting personal timetables—e.g., students who need to graduate in a succeeding semester to begin earning for their families, those applying for graduate admissions, those on scholarships, etc. may opt to complete the requirements of the semester following the adjusted syllabus and the deadlines set by his or her Constituent University. (BOR Policy #1.a.ix)
For UP Cebu as follows:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

For MBA students enrolled in the Third Trimester AY 2019-2020
Deadline** of Faculty for Submission of Grades Term
2020 June 30, Tuesday complied Third Trimester AY 2019-2020
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2020 University Council Meeting on 2020 July 15
2020 July 22, Wednesday complied Third Trimester AY 2019-2020
*to be endorsed for graduation in the First Semester AY 2020-2021 University Council Meeting on 2020 September 16
2020 November 3, Tuesday complied First Trimester AY 2020-2021
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Second Semester AY 2020-2021 University Council Meeting on 2021 March 3
2021 February 19, Friday complied Second Trimester AY 2020-2021
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2021 University Council Meeting on 2021 June 9
2021 May 31, Monday complied Third Trimester AY 2020-2021
*to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2021 University Council Meeting on 2021 June 9

*ALL considered graduated as of end of Third Trimester AY 2019-2020.
**Note that these are deadlines for the faculty to submit grades. Deadline for students to comply with these requirements would therefore be earlier than these dates so that their instructors will be able to submit their grades on or before these deadlines.

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Candidates for Graduation as of the end of the Second Trimester AY 2019-2020 to be endorsed for graduation in the Midyear Term 2020 University Council Meeting on 2020 July 15, as “graduated as of end of Second Trimester AY 2019-2020”
The M.Ed. Program did not have a Third Trimester AY 2019-2020.


Q 4.3: Will the qualifying/comprehensive exams at the graduate level push through this semester?

A: The decision to push through with qualifying/comprehensive exams shall be determined by the offering units subject to appropriate arrangements in accordance with University rules and guidelines. (BOR Policy #2)

Qualifying/Comprehensive Examinations

MBA Qualifying Exam Done
MBA Bridging Program moved to the First Trimester AY 2020-2021
MBA Comprehensive Exams TBA
M.Ed. Entrance Test (MEET) moved to the First Trimester AY 2020-2021

Q 4.4: Will the students be allowed to defend their proposal and final thesis online?

A: The decision to allow online defense of proposals and/or final theses shall be determined by the offering units subject to appropriate arrangements in accordance with University rules and guidelines. (BOR Policy #2)

Deadlines as indicated in Q4.2 above still apply.

5. Academic Rules, Scholastic Standing, Prerequisites, Residence

Q 5.1: Are there deadlines and other academic status rules that will be lifted or adjusted this semester?

A: The University is waiving academic deadlines and policies on scholastic standing and student financial assistance as follows:

    • The deadline for dropping of subjects for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 is lifted.
    • The deadline for filing Leave of Absence for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 is lifted.
    • The Second Semester AY 2019-2020 shall not be included in the reckoning or in the counting of years of residence of a student.
    • The rules on scholastic standing (delinquency) – i.e., warning, probation, dismissal, and permanent disqualification – are suspended for this semester.
    • Policies on student financial assistance which are tied to scholastic standing are suspended.

Q 5.2: If residence is not counted for the Second Semester AY 2019-2020, will this semester also not be counted in the ched free tuition eligibility?

A: Since enrolled undergraduate students eligible for the Free Tuition privilege of CHED have already been billed to CHED, it remains counted towards their “Remaining number of semesters left to avail of Free Tuition and Other School Fees”.

Q 5.3: What are the adjusted deadlines for INC/4.0 grades incurred in the Second Semester, Midyear Term, Second Trimester, Third Trimester AY 2018-2019?

A: The adjusted deadlines are as follows:

Deadline for Removals of INC/4.0
Term Incurred Deadline
Second Semester AY 2018-2019
2021 January 26, Tuesday
Midyear Term 2019
2021 January 26, Tuesday
Third Trimester AY 2018-2019
2020 November 3, Tuesday
First Trimester AY 2019-2020
2020 November 3, Tuesday
Second Trimester AY 2018-2019
2020 December 7, Monday
Third Trimester AY 2018-2019
2020 December 7, Monday

For the other semester/trimesters, the deadlines in the approved academic calendar are retained.

Q 5.4: Can a student whose grade is deferred in a prerequisite course enlist in a course that requires that prerequisite in the succeeding semesters (if enrolled prior to 2021 May 31)?

A: Students have up to 2021 May 31 to meet the adjusted course requirements. A student enrolled in a course this semester that is a prerequisite to another shall be allowed to enroll in the latter course for credit, despite having no grade yet for the prerequisite course. Appropriate bridging mechanisms by the offering units should be devised. (IG 7.1)

Q 5.5: Will program retention requirements be suspended as well?

A: In UP Cebu, the retention requirement will not be implemented for the whole AY 2020-2021. (Chancellor’s Advisory Council Meeting on 2020 April 24)

    • For BS Biology, the decision is to wait for the Second Semester grades until 2021 May 31. The retention policy will be implemented in August 2021.
    • For BS Management, the retention policy will be implemented starting August 2021. However, the grades in the Second Semester AY 2019-2020 will not be included in the GWA reckoning.

Q 5.6: How can students apply for removals, dropping, clearance, shifting, transfer, request for transcript and certifications during the ECQ?

A: Please visit the Flows and Forms Section, for all the available forms and process guides.
PDF copies of most of the forms are downloadable, and once filled up may be emailed to the Office of the College Secretary, for processing.

The following are now available for online submission:

The UP Cebu Office of the University Registrar is making every effort to provide online forms or digital copies of forms in order to facilitate submission via email.
For added security, students and alumni are reminded to use their emails when transacting with the OUR or with other offices in UP.

6. Bridging Program

Q 6.1: What are bridging programs?

A: Bridging programs are programs intended for remediation to help students catch up with knowledge, skills and competencies that should have been acquired had the semester been regular. These are critical especially for prerequisite courses.

These bridging programs may be in the form of self-instructional modules, learning packages, or online workshops. The design and mode of delivery of the bridging programs should consider the current crisis conditions as well as the need to manage the workload of both faculty and students. (IG Definitions)

7. High School Students

Q 7.1: What guidelines and grading system will the High School Program follow for the Fourth Grading Period AY 2019-2020?

A: The message from the UP High School Cebu Faculty may be viewed here .